Written by Eric Chen
This past Saturday, I spent more time in a single day playing board games than I ever had in my life. For nearly 12 straight hours, I strived to escape a deserted island, to earn the favor of the Olympians, and to own the most profitable vineyard in the country. This was my first board gaming convention, so I had no idea what to expect. The event took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Stamford, CT over the course of three days. There was a silent auction, tons of raffles, game vendors, an inflatable dragon, and most importantly, a board game library with every game imaginable.
Hundreds of people filled the ballrooms and lounges of the hotel, playing games ranging from classics like Terra Mystica to new games like Food Chain Magnate. Despite all the new games I learned that day, I still saw so many different games that I have yet to try. I managed to pick up a couple of new games from other convention goers, including one from the voice actor of my favorite party game, One Night Ultimate Werewolf. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. Except for an early afternoon quest for pizza, my brain had been working overtime, learning all the new rules and strategies. The other members of Ludi et Veritas and I definitely had an amazing day and are excited to go back next year.
The next board game convention in Stamford will be FalConn in September. Check our calendar; we will posting information when more details are known.